Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What is different between database, instance and service name

//* Knowledge Sharing *//

It is the name of the physical database structure. It is stored at the control file and datafile header. It is used to identify all physical structures
that belong to the same database. It can be defined at install time. It is originally defined by the static instance parameter database name, and it cannot be changed,
and the only way to change it is by means of rebuilding the control file and resetting the log sequence.

Instance Name
It is the name of the memory structures + Background process (MEM + BGP) use to mount/open a database. In a RAC environment there are more than one
instance opening the same database, and each instance has a different name. On a single instance (non rac) environments, the instance name and the database name are
named (generally) the same. There is no reason to name the instance and the database differently.
Instance name is defined by the ORACLE_SID environment variable (unix) and by the windows service name (windows).
In a connect string this can be used to establish connection to a database, however this is valid for pre-8i versions (8.0 compatible) and even though it can work with
10g databases, it is not a good practice as it reduces the functionality provided since 8i.

Service Name
 This is a way to identify a target instance to get connected to. It is defined by the dynamic instance parameter service names, note the names word, it
is plural, that is because an oracle instance can have several service names. The concept service is more frequently used in a single instance to refer to an instance
with several alias. In a RAC environment it is used to balance power, create failed over / stand by instances and it is used in combination with resource manager.


Note said...

Nice ifno bro

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